Hartman Home Team In The News!
Thank you to our clients and friends for helping us provide the opportunity to grant these wonderful students these scholarships! Check out the story below…
2016 MBA Schorlarship Awards – Margate Business Association President Ed Berger awards $2,500 by the MBA’s Daniel and Maria Walters Scholarship Program to residents Georgia Turner and Brendan McClure Tuesday, June 7 at the Margate Public Library. Pictured from left to right: Joe Tozzi, Etagram/Tozzi Enterprises; MBA President, Ed Berger; Students Georgia Turner and Brendan McClure; Paula Hartman, Hartman Home Team/Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Roach Realtors; and Scholarship Chairpersons and founders Maria Walters and Dr. Daniel Walters.
Georgia Turner and Brendan McClure win $2,500 2016 MBA Scholarships
MARGATE – Two local students, Georgia Turner and Brendan McClure are the proud recipients of the 2016 Margate Business Association’s Daniel and Maria Walters Scholarship Program.
The outstanding High School seniors were each awarded $2,500 during a presentation Tuesday, June 7 at the Margate Public Library. Margate Business Association President Ed Berger along with members of the MBA and their scholarship committee were in attendance to present the students with a ceremonial, oversized check.
Turner, Captain of the Atlantic City High School Lacrosse team, will be attending Kutztown University in the Fall, with a proposed Sports Management major. She has demonstrated exceptional athletic ability as a two sport varsity player, was voted MVP for the last three years and has exemplified scholastic excellence.
McClure, a National Honor Society Member of Ocean City High School, will be heading to Rutgers University with a proposed major in Environmental Economics. He has been recognized as a national AP scholar with distinction by the College Board and was voted Winter Track MVP for the past two years.
Both students received glowing letters of recommendation for character, academic excellence, service and leadership.
The students were judged based upon the submission of three references that are unrelated to the applicant, a list of activities and awards and writing a 300-500-word essay on the topic: “Have you ever had a eureka moment?”
Scholarship funds are raised through yearly MBA special events: the annual MBA Wine Tasting; Beachstock Saturday, June 25 and Margate Fall Funfest by the Bay Saturday and Sunday Sept. 24 and 25.
See Margatehasmore.com for more information